Lunch Bunch Sept 23, 2021

Lunch Bunch Sept 23, 2021

Finally a good weather day!!! Scattered to Broken clouds 2,500 and above, light winds , and good vis. Just what the Lunch Bunch needed to complete our mission – $100 Hamburger!!

BLT Mick briefed us on traveling from UK to USA. Negative Covid test, Vaccinations, come on over, Mick is a U S Citizen!! Coming thru MIA, no questions,, no problem! Welcome home!

Sebring was target of the day, called ahead , said plenty of room even though they had a “Biker” group scheduled! Fat Old men on Harleys!!!

Ate outside,, Nice breeze on patio, comfy!! Several salads, and one BLT, not Mick, couldn’t  come today, appointments!!

Easy non-eventful flight both ways!! Ercoupe Ron launched early, was already in traffic pattern when fast guys got there!!


TFR over Carlton Reserve, top at 400′ AGL, authorities looking for “Person of Interest”!!!


Welcome First Timer Nathan Kacur in his beautiful Cirrus!

By Dave Wimberly

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