About us



The Venice Aviation Society, Incorporated, a 501 (c) (4) non-profit organization, was founded in the early 1990’s by a group of concerned pilots, tenants and aircraft owners. Witnessing the steady deterioration of deferred maintenance and indifference towards the Venice Municipal Airport (KVNC), VASI took a proactive, leadership role in the community, partnering with government leadership in compliance with deed and grant assurances.


Over the years, VASI’s role in the airport has expanded and evolved to include community outreach, the promotion of safety and neighborhood friendly operations, and sponsorship of events including airport open houses, cookouts and the highly-visible “Meet the Candidates” forum conducted each October near election time.

VASI members consistently demonstrate their involvement in the community through volunteer efforts and participation in support of these events and others such as Angel Flights, Agape Flights, and Young Eagles (Experimental Aircraft Association).


You can become a VASI member by visiting our About page and print out your membership application. As thanks for your service, all WWII and Korea veterans enjoy free membership for life.


◙ The airport is self supporting and generates its own funds. The taxpayers of Venice do not support the airport with tax dollars. The airport pays the city for services. See the FAQs on the city website, airport tab.


◙ The airport is an economic engine putting tens of millions of dollars a year into the Venice region.


◙ Venice Airport Business Association (VABA) members employ over ninety personnel with a combined annual direct payroll in excess of $3,600.000.


◙ The airport is integral to the cultural history of Venice. Residents and visitors visit to view air operations.  Many local pilots are members of Angel Flight and provide charitable medical transportation. Restaurant facilities on the airport offer great food and views. Sharky’s Restaurant is partially on airport property and the golf course is on leased airport property.


◙ Pilots are members of the community and practice and encourage visitors to use “Fly Friendly” procedures.



◙ The World War II Army Air Corps Base property originally stretched from the current airfield location on Airport Road to the Island Hospital, West to the Gulf and into South Venice.


◙ The Army Air Corps Base transfer to the city was completed in 1947 under the War Surplus Property Act. Terms of the sale included the stipulation that it remain in perpetuity as an airport, be properly maintained and not discriminate against aircraft types or the property would revert back to the Federal Government.


◙ KVNC is part of our national transportation infrastructure and is a key component in regional disaster relief plans.


◙ Capital improvements for the airport are funded primarily thru FAA and Florida DOT airport improvement grants. The airport reserve also provides funds for these improvements.


◙ FAA and DOT grant monies are a partial return of aviation fees and taxes paid by pilots and aircraft owners.


◙ In 2006 the city accepted $5,000,000 in grants and today is using new grant money for hangar construction and runway safety work. In addition to the permanent Airport Transfer Deeds and Restrictions, when accepting a grant the City agrees to keep the airport open for 20 more years and not discriminate against aircraft permitted to use the field.  The city is seeking new grant money to rehabilitate Runway 4-22 the noise mitigation runway.


◙ Some have suggested moving the airport. FAA Regulations require the city meet the following conditions. Any new replacement airport must be open and operating and be equal to or better than the current KVNC airport in terms of facilities and utility before the existing airport can close.


◙ Today it would likely cost well over $120 million to purchase land (where?) and build a new KVNC. The city would need to do a bond issue. Taxpayers could expect tax increases not decreases for the life of that bond.


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