Author: Editor

The June 10, 2014 City Council meeting at 9:00 am agenda shows presentation of the $5 million grant application for Venice Municipal Airport improvements to Council. The grant application is for the rehabilitation of Taxiways Alpha and Charlie, and the design phase of the Runway 13/31 relocation project. The relocation project...

Dear Airport Support Network Volunteer, AOPA is encouraging you to share this backgrounder on the 3rd class medical legislation with your pilot friends, colleagues, and airport patrons. Our goal is to urge everyone to contact their representative in the House and Senate and either thank them for cosponsoring...

The City of Venice has released a call for Letters of Interest from interested parties that provide conceptual approaches to develop airport lands on the eastern edge of the airport, fronting Business 41. Formerly the Circus Arena property, the 11 acre parcel is inaccessible for...