Author: Editor

Number 1 Request from ATC Notice Number: NOTC4497 ATC asked that we send this recent Briefing Sheet, normally issued only to airline pilots, to General Aviation (GA) pilots as well. As you can see in the 1-page document, ATC wishes that pilots are aware of the problems caused...

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education You have asked us to notify you when a seminar is scheduled that meets your criteria. The following seminar may be of interest to you: "Meet the SRQ Tower and Tampa Approach Controllers" Topic: An update and review of SRQ...

Happy New Year! The January 2013 Angle is available > HERE < Big meeting January 16th, 7pm. Tampa / SRQ ATC. Bring a friend. Big brief on the Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour. The bombers return January 25th. Find out all about it. Come to the meeting...

The Wings of Freedom Tour is back in Venice beginning January 25th, 2013 at 2:00. If you've never seen a Collings Foundation WoF Tour visit, you're in for a real treat. This year the P-51 Mustang, B-17 Flying Fortress and Consolidated B-24 Liberator grace the...

Bob Mattingly, SRQ Airport Administrator has been retained as acting Airport Manager during Chris Rozansky's medical leave. We're grateful for the availability of neighboring resources to back our airport up under these busy circumstances. Mr. Mattingly will support the project management of the 05-23 rebuild, which...