04 Jul Is It Time? TBO Discussion
Here is an interesting perspective from an AOPA thought leader on the concept of "On Condition." Nice, short read. Comment welcome. What Makes an Engine Airworthy? « Opinion Leaders...
Here is an interesting perspective from an AOPA thought leader on the concept of "On Condition." Nice, short read. Comment welcome. What Makes an Engine Airworthy? « Opinion Leaders...
If you haven't been to a VASI function in January, here's what you missed: ...
Monday, November 25th's CIRCUS ARENA SITE RFP WORKSHOP follows on the city's intent to maximize the arena parcel's economic value to the airport. In anticipation of the Sharky's sale and it's $140,000 annualized income loss, the workshop will open up for public comment on the use...
The November issue is out and full of the latest on the airport and upcoming events. Download your copy at: VASIAngleNov2013 Join us for the Christmas Parade, November 30. Help us decorate and hand out gliders to the kids. email [email protected] for more information. Fly Friendly. Fly Safe....
Ed Stephenson is the current VASI Treasurer. The roster incorrectly identified this position. The award Venice won was actually the "FDOT GA Project of the Year". See the attached memo for more details. ...