Comp Plan Goes To State

Comp Plan Goes To State

April 23, 2012

Memorandum to the Mayor and Members of the Venice City Council

From: Nick Carlucci, President Emeritus

Re: City of Venice Comprehensive Plan Corrections, April 24, 2012 City Council Meeting

Attached to this memo for ease of reference arranged in chronological order is relevant correspondence that provides background information to help clarify the issues in question.

Airport critics have regrettably engaged in an effort to confuse the public over FAA Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) requirements. Unfortunately a small number of citizens have been led to believe their homes are currently at risk. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This unfortunate and mistaken belief has been created and encouraged by some who seek to downgrade the utility of the airport.

The same critics also leverage confusion and anxiety by questioning how development “was ever allowed” inside the RPZ in the first place- knowing full well the RPZ concept was applied ex post facto and in the face of FAA correspondence outlining the history of the zone.

The FAA repeatedly notes:
1) It can be difficult and impracticable for an airport owner to acquire the full RPZ
2) It is not unusual to have development in these zones
3) The FAA does not have the authority to condemn property only the city does
4) The FAA is not mandating the City of Venice acquire these homes
5) RPZ land use standards for that portion of an RPZ not controlled by the airport owner have a recommendation status only and accordingly, do not constitute a regulatory taking as confirmed by the City Attorney at a recent Venice Planning Commission meeting
6) A clear zone existed prior to the creation of RPZs

Please forgive this blizzard of paper but I trust you will find it useful. The VASI website contains other extensive
correspondence. The attachments have been highlighted to assist in quickly reading the relevant information.

Nick Carlucci

FAA Southern Region letter to Michael Rafferty dated July 18, 2007
City Manager Memo dated May12, 2008
FAA District letter to Mayor Martin dated May 30, 2008
Mayor Martin email dated June 9, 2008
FAA District letter to City Manager dated January 8, 2010
Ed Martin Blog dated January 14, 2010

VASIVABA AirportCarlucci MemoComp Plan 23042012

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