Dear Airport Support Network Volunteer,
AOPA is encouraging you to share this backgrounder on the 3rd class medical legislation with your pilot friends, colleagues, and airport patrons. Our goal is to urge everyone to contact their representative in the House and Senate and either thank them for cosponsoring the General Aviation Pilot Protection Act (H.R. 3708 in the House and S. 2103 in the Senate), or, telling their representative why the bill is so important to general aviation and asking them to become a cosponsor.
The list of cosponsors is available on the AOPA website at this link:
Please tell them you are a constituent and that:
• You support H.R. 3708 in the House and S.2103 in the Senate.
• This bill expands on the FAA’s successful sport pilot medical standard.
• This measure will save pilots and the FAA money and time.
• This bill addresses the number one concern of pilots.
• General aviation is a vital part of the nation’s transportation system and you hope they will be a cosponsor OR thank them for being a cosponsor.
Thank you for your work as AOPA’s Airport Support Network volunteer!
Warm regards,
AOPA Government Affairs
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