Beautiful South Florida day for Lunch Bunch! Mid 80’s Mid December!! Approximately 22 pilots assembled at 10am Cmdr Wayne’s Annex for briefing. Briefing by none other than Cmdr Wayne!! Didn’t even use the briefing guide, nice job. Split group today, 10 to Sebring the rest to Winter Haven.


VASI Dave reviewed last night’s VASI meeting, 45 attending, and revealed a preview of proposed VASI T Shirt coming out 2022!!


Sebring Squadron

Taxiing out to RW 13 KVNC, only to find 8 or 9 waiting for takeoff with a pattern full of students shooting touch & go’s. Johnny Arrow pleaded for some relief and traffic spread out to allow a takeoff or two between landings. Still quite a delay before takeoff. Guess we had better get used to the heavy traffic at KVNC!!! Heard that some Punta Gorda Instructors won’t even let their solo students fly into KVNC due to crowded traffic pattern!


On to lunch. In the past there has been slow to bad service in Winter Haven, but today it was passible. Nice waitress who got the orders out in reasonable time, no major food complaints, getting better!! Sebring appeared to be on par as usual.


Coming home was interesting as the Sebring Squadron assembled East of Venice, announced the landing order, completely disregarding the Winter Haven Squadron coming in from the North. We fixed that, pushed it up, entered pattern ahead of Sebring Squadron, landed, let them fight it out with students in pattern!! Actually, all landed without incident, no problem.


All in all a pretty smooth operation, seems we are all doing better at spacing out, calling traffic, avoiding conflicts, good job fellows!

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