Johnny Arrow called the group to order at 10am,, attendance is growing weekly,,, 27 pilots and 13 planes!!!! including Bonanza Paul and Archer Michael joining us from Boca Raton after completing an Angel Flight! Paul has been flying the same couple for over 5 years!!!


There were several guests and a couple of first time KVNC pilots. Tom Best – Navion, Joel Megginson – RV-7A, Mike Herweyer – Zenith 750 Cruiser, and Issac Zelazny EAA.


Several destinations were batted around, Bartow was called, no restaurant! Winter Haven’s restaurant is apparently a “One Man” operation, no way to handle a gang of 27!!! So Okeechobee was selected, phone call made, “Come on over Honey”!!! Don’t you love those Florida Gals!!


KOBE was Target of the Day! Weather briefed, traffic pattern discussed, winds light & variable, enroute 122.75! Some cruised at 2,500,,, some 3,500,,, and some 5,500!!  Some zigging and zagging at 3,500!!


RV Dave, aka VASI Dave announced the November 20 VASI Meeting, will be held at Venice City Hall, Council Chamber, 7PM, Tampa ATC presentation on TPA CLASS B, Wings credit available, sign up on Wings Should be a good one!


Good weather day, some scattered very light showers around Southern Florida, nothing to seriously affect our plans today!

Long EZ John KOBE ramp

Some traffic pattern issues as usual with a big group, but mostly arriving back at KVNC with aircraft already in pattern, couple of straight-ins, throw in a jet and things get interesting! Stay alert, listen up and form a mental picture of the situation, and LOOK OUTSIDE!!. If it’s too busy , take a breather, leave pattern, wait until it clears out a bit, then come back, works wonders!! I go check my driveway for “Harleys”!! None yet!!!!


Mission complete, all home safe, good meal, and good friends!!

By Dave Wimberly

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