
Eight months ago, a runway rehab as the last thing imaginable. Last week, it became reality when the paint dried and the LED lighting went hot on Venice's $7.2 million runway rehabilitation program. Temporary and periodic closures are still planned for punch list items. Taxiways are...

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education You have asked us to notify you when a seminar is scheduled that meets your criteria. The following seminar may be of interest to you: "Meet the SRQ Tower and Tampa Approach Controllers" Topic: An update and review of SRQ...

Happy New Year! The January 2013 Angle is available > HERE < Big meeting January 16th, 7pm. Tampa / SRQ ATC. Bring a friend. Big brief on the Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour. The bombers return January 25th. Find out all about it. Come to the meeting...