28 Sep KVNC-Lunch Bunch Sept 28,2023 (Hurricane Ian Anniversary Lunch)
Anniversary today, one year since Hurricane Ian hit KVNC!
Work crew is finishing the sheet metal work on Buildings 1007,8,9 and according to latest from airport admin aircraft can return to their hangar after 5 PM this Friday. Work will begin on Building 1005 Monday Oct 2, and you must vacate hangars in that building by 9am that morning. Check the email.
The usual crew, limited to 7, assembled at Wayne’s HQ, 9:30am.
OK, the morning weather was cloudy, overcast, gloomy, but starting to break up. Ceilings 300′-400′ around the area! It didn’t look good! Slowly reports were updated and there was a glimmer of hope. A decision was made to wait it out until 10 am then check the reports. Overcast became Broken, then finally scattered clouds! KVNC opened up completely VFR, We decided that by the time we preflighted, and took off, and flew to LaBelle the clouds would allow VFR flying for landing. If not, we could 180 back to KVNC, go to lunch locally!
Note: we will return to the usual meeting spot Hangar 127-E next week as work on that building is complete for now.
Reminder, the group decided to start meeting at 10 am as of October.
One by one the airports cleared, KPGD, KFMY, KRSW, and X-14! In fact the entire flight was over scattered layers, easy cruise, and easy descent into LaBelle. Light winds, land RW 32 Labelle, roll to end, park! RV Dave stopped for fuel, $5.55/gal. Problem, the fuel hose handle valve was either FULL ON or FULL OFF, no modulation, only able put in about 10 gallons, fuel gushing out over the wings! Sucks! Airport Manager said lot of complaints, new handle on order!!
Shortcakes restaurant treated us like Kings! Good service and great food, enjoyed by all! Miracle of miracles, Cmdr Wayne was served first!!!
Safe flight home, no rain showers enroute, RW 23 KVNC light winds! Amazingly, the traffic pattern was populated by competent pilots, all on good behavior, no issues!!
By David Wimberly
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